From the original play by Juliusz Slowacki
Adapted from the original text by Katarzyna Kolman and Sebastian Palka
Translated and Directed by Sebastian Palka
Balladina was a play written by Juliusz Slowacaki in 1839. A romantic tragedy where fantastical world contributed to fatal fate of the human world and all the characters. A play about greed for power and the downfall that reflected the dramatic history of Slowacki’s Poland in the nineteenth century.
Today, Balladina is given a new, more universal interpretation and meaning. The first idea for Balladina emerged during summer 2016 when Kolman and Palka took the main themes and characters, and plotted a new story. It is a story about the unpredictable and flawed human nature of love, desire, betrayal and greed.
This project is still in development stage. It has been a long while since we started working on it. It is a big project for 11 actors, Balladina will be devised with actors in a series of workshops. Then we will further develop the story through rehearsed reading and audience's feedback. First R&D took place in May 2017. Click the button below for more info about the next stages of the production.